9x9x25 #1: Through, not TO, your screen
I’m talking to my students THROUGH, not TO, my screen. Read my previous post [9×1=Outside In = Inside Out] to see where this comes from since I’m borrowing this idea from others.
It’s important for me to see the students on the other side of the screen, even when I teach the class in a face to face setting. There’s always something digital getting done. It’s important to remember and visualize the face and human person (people) on the other side of the email, announcement, discussion post, feedback response, assignment grade, or video conversation.
This past week I participated with my online students in Flipgrid conversations. I set this up as an alternative to the text bound discussions we do in the learning management system for the course. I’ve enjoyed these video chats. I get to ‘see’ my students as individuals, as they share their thoughts and try to make sense of the course topic and readings. These don’t necessarily take any longer to create than the text responses, but they really let me see, and respond, to their thinking.
This week I’ve crafted a video response as feedback to the assignments I’ve just marked. It’s not individual responses, but a general overview of the insights gained from their submissions. I include some tips and next steps as part of this feedback. I use iMovie on my Mac, accessing the camera, and talk to the camera as if the student(s) are right there in front of me. I do this in small chunks of information, then merge these clips together using the transitions tool in iMovie. I can add a soundtrack if I want to, but often don’t. I can insert a title, include references and acknowledgments at the end of the video. I also include the Creative Commons license I’ve selected for the production – usually CC BY.
I haven’t done individual video feedback responses, but that is part of my plan before the end of the course. I have an advantage since this class has a small enrolment number, so this can fit into my overall assessment and evaluation plan. It’s not quite as easy or manageable when there are larger student numbers in the class – general overall feedback can be done for larger classes, but individual feedback may not be possible.
Finally, I will mention the fall schedule of eCampus webinars that includes a recent session that was presented with fellow eCampus OEFellows Jessica O’Reilly and Laura Killam from Cambrian College. I’m suggesting you take time to view the recording. Also, read Laura’s blog post about this event since there are tips and ideas, with lots more to learn about audio and video in teaching. This includes information for online, blended, and face to face teaching scenarios. The archived recording will be posted here once it’s available. Come back to watch once it’s here.
Image Attribution: Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash