Extending my reach

This is a response for the Experimenter Module in the Ontario Extend for the Do it Daily activity for the Activity Bank.

It’s habit forming, this daily extending activity. It’s been 34 days so far and I’ve done a daily extend activity each day. It’s a small thing to do but each one provokes some thought, some actions, some engagements and some fun with others who are also doing these daily digital makes. Each day I look forward to seeing what the provocation will be, consider how I’ll respond. Sometimes it comes quickly, read once and gets done. Other days it takes a bit of time to come up with a response. Each time I watch to see what others are posting, hoping to see if their response will prompt my own. I’m enjoying the camaraderie that has evolved in the collection of people participating with me.

Here’s a response for the Daily Extend #1: “look around your home or office for an object that allows you to extend the capabilities of task or utility. Show it in a photo, share it in twitter as instructed below.” Not yet sent out on Twitter, but that will be the next extension.

I ended up with two images that depict how common tools in my home extend my reach.

  • First, the kitchen tongs help extend my reach when I need to get stuff from the top shelves in the cupboard. I have a stool, but the tongs work faster and are handier to grab.
  • Second is my mouse since it extends my reach outward from my computer to others in the digital spaces in which I engage. My mouse also extends the time and speed with which I can work since the trackpad on the laptop puts stress on my fingers and wrist with the amount of computer work I do.

hand on mouse

