I’m coming back to this blog site since there’s a new purpose to participate and extend my thinking! I’m dusting off this ‘extending’ blog site since I’ve got some more connecting and thinking to do. It’s time to get plugged in, so here I go. I’ve been tagged into the eCampus Ontario Extend’s 9X9X25 blogging
As I wrap up my work in this eCampus Ontario Extend Experimenter module, I’ll review some of the experimenting I’ve done and will continue to do. I have: Completed at least 3 Daily Extends. Completed at least 1 Deep Dive Extend. Reflected on the Experimenter activities in a blog post and tweeted a link to
Taking a deeper dive into some of the possible extending activities was not only fun, but challenging and refreshing. Having a pick from any one of the list was like being a kid in a candy shop. Here’s my first deep dive: This first deep dive into the Experimenter Module was posted on the Five
This is a response for the Experimenter Module in the Ontario Extend for the Do it Daily activity for the Activity Bank. It’s habit forming, this daily extending activity. It’s been 34 days so far and I’ve done a daily extend activity each day. It’s a small thing to do but each one provokes some